
Articles Posted in Automobile Accidents


Pedestrians in Wheelchairs at Much Greater Risk of Injury and Death

Being a pedestrian is dangerous. Each year in the United States roughly 5,000 people are killed in pedestrian accidents and another 76,000 are injured.  But recent data shows the risk to pedestrians using wheelchairs is even more profound as those individuals are 36% more likely to die in an accident…


National Drowsy Driving Prevention Week: 5 Tips For Staying Awake and Alive

More than 1/3 of Americans have reported following asleep at the wheel, and drowsy driving causes roughly 100,000 accidents each year, claims roughly 1,500 lives and results in 71,000 injuries.  In fact, driving while sleepy can impair your performance as much as alcohol. While drowsy driving can affect anyone, some folks…


Ten Steps To Safe Halloween Driving

Tomorrow night is Halloween.   If your kids trick-or-treat on the ever-popular Richland Avenue in Nashville or Main Street in Franklin, then they can collect candy without worrying about cars. But most streets in our area are not closed for trick-or treating, so it is imperative for drivers to exercise extra…


Avoidable Liabilities: A Rant

I just read an article that suggested tech companies like Google and Apple should rethink entering the automotive market because it is a “different animal” due to the cost associated with building auto plants, building sales and service networks and the “daunting liabilities involved when human lives are at stake.”…


Feel Free To Complain

Some people are natural born complainers. Like this one from Middle Class Problems on Twitter: “A pecan from my maple and pecan slice has tragically fallen into my fresh coffee. Worst day ever.” (If you have never checked out Middle Class Problems, you should.) But some of us are loathe…


So More People Are Dying in Tractor-Trailer Accidents. What’s the Big Deal?

This seems to be Congress’ position on the issue. Because in the past year, they have decided to weaken a number of important safety measures despite the fact that the death toll in truck-involved crashes has risen 17 percent from 2009 to 2013 (which is the most current data) and…


Is Your Dog Putting You At Risk of Getting Sued?

If you follow us on Google Plus or regularly read this blog, then you know our family recently acquired a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  If you don’t follow us on Google Plus, then let me first say you should and second let me introduce you to Lincoln Day.   Lincoln…


The Blood Test You Need If You Have A Suspected Brain Injury

Each year, more than 1.4 million people will suffer a brain injury from a car accident, fall, assault or some other cause. The brain is incredibly complex and so is the treatment of brain injuries. Primarily, physicians have relied upon CAT scans and physical symptoms such as loss of consciousness,…


A Man Walks Into A Bar . . .

And stabs and kills his mother’s boyfriend. The parents of the murder victim sue the restaurant and win $40 million dollars.  Probably not the punchline you were expecting and you might be wondering how the restaurant is to blame. Well, let me give you a few more facts. The attacker…


New Technology To Prevent Drunk Driving

Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS) will prevent a car from moving if the driver has a blood alcohol concentration at or in excess of .08, which is the legal limit in all 50 states.   The technology is available in two forms: breath analysis and touch analysis.   With breath…

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