I was in a car accident in Dickson, Dickson County, Tennessee. A witness said the accident is partially my fault and partially the fault of the other driver. What happens if I am determined to be partially at fault? Under Tennessee law, if a person who is injured negligently contributed…
Articles Posted in Automobile Accidents
Deaths from Tennessee Car and Truck Accidents Increase in 2012
Deaths from car and truck accidents in Tennessee have increased in the first three months of 2012, an unusual result given the general decline in accidents, injuries and deaths in the past few years. 238 people lost their lives on Tennessee highways in the first three months of 2012. In…
What Happens If I Miss Physical Therapy Appointments After My Car Wreck?
I got hurt in an accident and my doctor said I should go to physical therapy. The therapist is 20 miles away and it is very inconvenient to go to therapy. Plus, it doesn’t seem to do any good. Will it hurt my case if I just stop going? First,…
Dividing Up Limited Insurance in Automobile Accident Cases
I was in a car wreck. My wife was also hurt in the wreck, as was a gentleman (Smith) in another car. The guy that caused the wreck only has $100,000 in liability insurance and he has no other assets. How will the $100,000 be divided? First, the $100,000 will be paid only…
Claims Against Bars and Restaurants That Illegally Serve Obviously Intoxicated Persons
The February 24, 2012 Tennessean contains this article about lawsuits against those who illegally serve alcohol to an obviously intoxicated person. The article found its way to Page One mainly because of this horrific accident just a few days earlier, when a person who was allegedly intoxicated drove the wrong way…
Wrong – Way Crashes on Interstate Highways
In 2010 over 100 wrecks occurred on Tennessee interstates because a driver was operating down the wrong side of the roadway. There are several reasons this can occur. First, the driver of the vehicle going down the interstate the wrong way can be intoxicated by alcohol or operating under the influence…
Can I Borrow Money From My Tennessee Car Accident Attorney?
I have a car accident case but am in desperate need of money right now. Can I borrow money from my attorney and pay her back out of the settlement I know I am going to receive? It is not uncommon for people who have been injured to have financial difficulties,…
Deaths from Tennessee Car and Truck Accidents Decline
Tennessee has seen a decline in the number of deaths from car and truck accidents. Recently released statistics reveal that the number of people killed on Tennessee roads decreased from 1032 in 2010 to 946 in 2011, a drop of almost 9%. Traffic fatalities were down in most counties in…
Where Must A Car Accident Lawsuit Be Filed?
I live in Knoxville and I was in a car wreck in Nashville. The driver of the other car lives in Murfreesboro. If my case doesn’t get settled can I file a lawsuit in Knoxville? No. Under a new Tennessee law that was effective for all lawsuits arising from injuries…
Jury Trials in Nashville, Tennessee in 2011
The Clerk of the Circuit Courts for Davidson County, Tennessee has released the following statistics for jury trials for 2011: There were 10 health care liability (medical malpractice) jury trials. The health care providers won six of those cases, the patient won two, and the other two cases resulted in…