I was in a car wreck last week. I was hurt pretty bad. I got home from the hospital last night and a lawyer called me and said that he wanted to represent me in my case. I have no idea who this guy is or how he got my name…
Articles Posted in Automobile Accidents
Can I Make the Other Driver Responsible for My Medical Bills for Life?
I was hurt in a car wreck. My back and leg were injuried. I don’t need surgery right now but who knows what will happen 10 years from now. Can I settle my case for my medical bills, my lost wages, and my pain and suffering and an agreement that…
I Might Need Surgery!
I was hurt in a boating accident. It was the other guy’s fault. The doctor said that as I result of my injuries I might need knee surgery one day. Can I recover damages for the cost of that surgery? You can recover damages for a future surgery only if a doctor says…
How Quickly Will My Case Settle?
I was in a car wreck about 6 months ago. The other driver admitted fault. My medical bills are about $25,000. I have been released by my doctor. My lost wages are $2000. How quickly will my case settle? At the outset you need to understand that your case may not settle…
There Was No Guardrail and I Went Off the Mountain!
I was driving in East Tennessee. A big truck came over the center-line into my lane and I swerved to avoid it. I lost control and went off the mountain. My friend who was in the car behind me saw the whole thing. He told me that I went through…
My Car Was Hit By a Police Car!
I was driving in Nashville and a police car ran a red light and plowed right into the side of me. I had to go to the hospital and they discovered that I broke my leg in the crash. Can I sue the police officer for causing the wreck? Under…
Should I See A Doctor About My Injuries?
I was in a car wreck yesterday. I thought I was ok but I woke up this morning and feel absolutely horrible. Should I go to the doctor, or should I just tough it out? You should see your doctor and accurately report the nature and extent of your concerns. Call and make…
Can a Sibling File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?
My brother got killed in a car wreck. Can I file a wrongful death lawsuit for him? You can file a wrongful death lawsuit for your brother under only limited circumstances. First, if you are named the executor of his will you have the right to file suit. Second, if…
What Happens If the Person That Hurt Me Dies?
I was hurt in a head-on automobile accident. The driver that crossed the centerline and hit me died in the wreck. Do I have legal rights against him even if he is dead? Yes. Although you can’t sue someone who is dead, you can sue his estate. If an estate…
What Are My Rights When I Was Hurt in a Car Wreck While I Was Working?
I was running an errand for my employer last week and was in car wreck. The other driver ran a red light and broad-sided me. My car was totaled and I spent three days in the hospital. What are my rights? You have two potential claims. First, you have a…