My brother was killed in a wreck with a big truck. I am named in the will as the executor of his estate and the court has appointed me as the executor. I want to file a lawsuit against the truck driver and trucking company that caused the wreck,…
Articles Posted in Death Cases
Time Limit for Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Tennessee
My wife was hurt in a car wreck in Tennessee +on December 15, 2009 and died in the hospital on January 21, 2010. What is my deadline for filing a lawsuit against the driver who caused the wreck? Unless a lawyer familiar with all of the facts advises you to…
Can I Require the Insurance Company to Pay Interest on My Personal Injury or Wrongful Death Settlement?
I was hurt in a car wreck six months ago. It wasn’t my fault. I have been waiting for over a year for the case to settle. I lost three months of wages and have had to pay some medical bills that were not covered by my health insurance. Can…
What Damages Are Recoverable in Tennessee for Wrongful Death?
My husband was killed in a car wreck by a drunk driver. What damages can be recovered by me and our children? These are the types of damages that can be recovered: (a) medical expenses; (b) funeral bills; (c) conscious pain and suffering from the date of the injury until…
Can A Mother Who Did Not Pay Child Support Recover Money When Her Child Gets Killed in a Truck Accident?
My child was killed by a drunk driver. He was 10 years old. I want to file a lawsuit. His no-good mother, who never paid child support as ordered by the court and did not visit my son for the for the six year period after our divorce, says she…
How Many Jurors Do I Need to Win?
I have a personal injury case going to try in Cookeville, TN next month. How many jurors need to vote for me for me to win? You will probably have a 12-person jury. That is the typical number of jurors in a civil jury trial in Tennessee. You and your…
Some Lawyer Called Me About My Car Wreck
I was in a car wreck last week. I was hurt pretty bad. I got home from the hospital last night and a lawyer called me and said that he wanted to represent me in my case. I have no idea who this guy is or how he got my name…
How Quickly Will My Case Settle?
I was in a car wreck about 6 months ago. The other driver admitted fault. My medical bills are about $25,000. I have been released by my doctor. My lost wages are $2000. How quickly will my case settle? At the outset you need to understand that your case may not settle…
When Does A Personal Injury Case Become A Wrongful Death Case?
My dad was dropped in a nursing home. He broke his hip. He never recovered from it and died two months later. Do we have a wrongful death case or a personal injury case? First, no one can tell you if you have a case at all without doing…
Value of a Wrongful Death Case
My wife was killed in a tractor-trailer wreck. The wreck was not her fault. What is this case worth? That question is impossible to answer without a great deal more information. Was your wife working outside the home? What was her income? What was her age? What was her state of…