
Articles Posted in Hiring a Lawyer


My Daughter Has Been Sexually Abused By Her Step-Father. What Do I Do?

 I just discovered that my husband has been sexually abusing my 12-year old daughter.  What do I do?   I am scared and very angry. Here are my thoughts: Leave the house with your daughter and any of your other children and immediately report this matter to the police.  If…


Do Tennessee Lawyers Have to Carry Malpractice Insurance?

Do lawyers in Tennessee have to purchase legal malpractice insurance? No.  There is no requirement that lawyers in Tennessee have legal malpractice insurance. However, responsible lawyers purchase malpractice insurance to protect their clients from losing money in the event that the lawyer makes an error.  Lawyers are human (believe it…


No Lawyer Will Take My Case

I believe that I am a victim of malpractice by a doctor, but no lawyer will take my case.  Why not?  There are several possibilities. First, there are relatively few lawyers in the state that represent medical malpractice victims.  In fact, my guess is that far less than one percent…


Can I Hire an Out-of-State Lawyer for a Medical Malpractice Claim?

 I think I have a medical malpractice claim in Tennessee. I live in Tennessee and the malpractice occurred in Tennessee.  Can I hire an out-of-state lawyer to represent me in this case? Yes, although the out-of-state lawyer must either have a Tennessee law license or must work with a Tennessee…


Does My Personal Injury Lawyer Still Get Paid if I File Bankruptcy While My Case is Pending?

I have a personal injury case pending in state court in Tennessee. I just had to file bankruptcy.  I listed my personal injury case as an asset on my bankruptcy filing.  My bankruptcy lawyer says that the bankruptcy trustee will now control my case.  Will my personal injury lawyer still…

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