
Articles Posted in Injury Cases


Burn Injuries From Instant Soups – Is There a Products Liability Claim?

Instant soups are causing serious burn injuries, particularly to children.  A recent report by NPR reveals that instant soups are dangerous because of the way the cups are designed. The cups are tall, lightweight, and have an unstable base that makes them tip over easily. NPR "learned that [burns from…


Lawyer Did Not Respond To Motion For Summary Judgment And I Lost. Can I Sue Her?

I had a case pending in Circuit Court in one of the counties in Middle Tennessee.  The defendant filed  a motion for summary judgment and my lawyer forgot to respond on time so the judge dismissed my case.  Can I sue my lawyer for not filing papers on time to…


Can I Hire an Out-of-State Lawyer for a Medical Malpractice Claim?

 I think I have a medical malpractice claim in Tennessee. I live in Tennessee and the malpractice occurred in Tennessee.  Can I hire an out-of-state lawyer to represent me in this case? Yes, although the out-of-state lawyer must either have a Tennessee law license or must work with a Tennessee…


Can I Require the Insurance Company to Pay Interest on My Personal Injury or Wrongful Death Settlement?

I was hurt in a car wreck six months ago.  It wasn’t my fault.  I have been waiting for over a year for the case to settle.  I lost three months of wages and have had to pay some medical bills that were not covered by my health insurance.  Can…

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