
Articles Posted in Motorcycle Accidents


Should Tennessee Repeal Its Motorcycle Helmet Law?

The answer is a resounding no. And here are just a few reasons why.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, helmets prevent roughly 37% of crash-related deaths for drivers and 41% of crash-related deaths for passengers. Not only have motorcycle-related deaths been on the rise since 2000, the costs…


Mob Violence, Herd Behavior, Pack Mentality: Whatever You Call It, It Is Ugly.

A few weeks ago, a mob of motorcyclists and the Lien family, who were in a black Ranger Rover SUV, were involved in a violent incident. In recent days, more information has came out about the incident and it raises some interesting legal implications. Based on a video of the incident and…


How Do I Pay For Medical Bills After A Car or Motorcycle Accident If I Don’t Have Health Insurance?

We receive calls almost every day from people who have been in a Tennessee car, motorcycle or truck accident and are unable to get medical treatment because they do not have health insurance.  Many doctors refuse to see accident victims unless they have health insurance or are willing to pay…


Distracted Driving Kills

Distracted driving is taking lives on our highways, and this study takes a look at what is taking the attenion of drivers away from the road. According to police report data analyzed by Erie Insurance, a automobility liability insurer, of the more than 65,000 people killed in car crashes over the…


Middle Tennessee Motorcyclists and the Driveway Threat

One of the biggest risks presented to motorcyclists riding the beautiful roadways of Middle Tennessee are driveways. Driveways present risks of several types to motorcyclists.  The most obvious risk is that a car, truck, tractor or other vehicle will pull out onto the road and put the motorcyclist in danger,…


Motorcycle Wrecks – Its That Time of The Year

The weather in Tennessee has been absolutely beautiful, and with that comes a huge increase in motorcycle traffic.  This is the time of year new riders emerge from motorcycle safety schools and begin to enjoy Tennessee’s beauty from a motorcycle. Tragically, the increase in bikers means an increase in motorcycle…

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