
Articles Posted in Truck Accidents


Deadline for Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Tennessee

Tennessee law requires that a personal injury lawsuit be filed within one year of the date causing an accident.  Failure to file a lawsuit on time against the person or company responsible for your injuries will result in a loss of your rights. There are certain exceptions to the one…


What Does An Expert Witness Do In a Tennessee Injury Case?

An expert witness is a person permitted by a judge to give opinions at trial.  Most witnesses are usually only permitted to testify only about facts  – what they saw or heard or otherwise have personal knowledge of. (There are certain exceptions to this rule.) But experts  have specialized knowledge,…


Obtaining Medical Records in Tennessee Car and Truck Accident Cases – Why Does It Take So Long?

It is almost always necessary for an experienced Tennessee injury attorney to obtain an injured person’s medical records before a personal injury claim for a car or truck accident can be fully evaluated,  Also, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will also want to see the records before authorizing a settlement…


The At-Fault Driver Has No Insurance – Now What?

As a Nashville and Tennessee automobile accident attorney, one question that I am frequently asked is what happens when the person who causes the motor vehicle does not have any liability insurance. Here is the answer? 1.  First, don’t assume that there is no liability insurance just because the driver…


Distracted Driving Kills

Distracted driving is taking lives on our highways, and this study takes a look at what is taking the attenion of drivers away from the road. According to police report data analyzed by Erie Insurance, a automobility liability insurer, of the more than 65,000 people killed in car crashes over the…


Tennessee Highway Deaths Increase by 8% in 2012

Seventy-nine (79) more people died on Tennessee highways in 2012 than the total deaths reported in 2011, according to figures released by the Tennessee Highway Patrol. Some 1016 people died on Tennessee highways in 2012, compared with 937 deaths in 2011. Here are more statistics from the Tennessee Highway Patrol’s…


Drowsy Drivers Cause Injuries and Deaths on Tennessee Highways

Sleepy drivers pose a hazard on Tennessee roadways, not only to themselves put also to others using the roadway.  Drowsy drivers pose a risk to drivers of cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and even pedestrians on Tennessee roads. Drowsy drivers cause 2.5% of fatal motor vehicle crashes and 2.0% of all…


Why Should I Seek Medical Treatment Promptly if I Am Hurt in A Tennessee Automobile or Truck Accident?

As lawyers who have represented people in Tennessee truck and car accidents for over thirty years, we cannot over-emphasize the need to seek prompt medical attention for injuries received in auto and truck accidents. Here is the problem:  if you delay seeking medical attention, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will…


Pedestrians Injured in Crosswalks on Nashville, Tennessee Streets and Highways

Tennessee law offers special protections to  pedestrians who are injured while crossing a Nashville street or highway within a crosswalk.   Ordinarily, people within the crosswalk have the right-of-way, and  the operator of an automobile, truck, or other vehicle must yield the right-of-way.  Of course, a pedestrian cannot suddenly leave…

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