
Articles Posted in Truck Accidents


After an Accident, You May Not Want to Sue but You May Get Sued

The New York Times published an article this week detailing how many hospitals, one of which is in Tennessee (LeBonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis), have started suing their patients by the thousands for unpaid medical bills.  Many of the patients had insurance and the hospitals were suing for deductibles and…


Back to School: Take Our Driving Quiz

  Davidson County, Rutherford County and other area schools are already back in session, Williamson County schools start this Friday and a number of private schools start next week.  Hopefully, everyone has done their summer reading and is ready.  Drivers also need to be ready especially since there have been…


Tennessee’s Driving Report Card

I know, it is summer and we should not be talking report cards.  But, Allstate is out with its driving report card in which the 200 largest cities across the country are ranked based on their driving safety record.  The report considers things such as claim history and the number…


Tractor-Trailer Accidents Are on the Rise Yet Trucking Industry Seeks to Roll Back Safety Regulations

Tractor-trailer accidents are on the rise — up 10% from last year.  Despite the increase in deadly crashes (there were 4,657 fatal truck accidents in the last stat year)  the federal government is moving to relax safety regulations and delay the implementation of other new safety regulations.  One key safety…


4th of July:  The Most Dangerous Day to Drive

For most Americans, the 4th of July means a day off from work filled with cookouts, the pool or lake, family, friends and fireworks.  Unfortunately, it also means the day with the highest number of fatal roadway accidents.  Yes, the 4th of July is deadlier than New Year’s Day or…


New Tennessee cellphone law effective July 1st

You probably have seen them – the bumper stickers, sometimes profanity-laced, urging drivers to put down the dang phone and drive.   On July 1st, if you don’t put down the dang or %#@$ phone, you could be talking to a police officer.  On July 1st, police in Tennessee will be…


Share the Road on June 17th (and everyday)

  June 17th is the 28th Annual National Ride to Work Day.  Bicyclists, scooter riders and motorcyclists are encouraged to ride to work to help raise awareness about all the positive aspects of two-wheel transportation such as the health benefits (at least for bicyclists) fewer emissions, less space needed on…


Accountability v. Responsibility

In a recent blog post, Seth Godin wrote: “Accountability is done to you by the industrial system, by those that want to create blame.  Responsibility is done by you. It’s voluntary. You can take as much of it as you want.”   Seth Godin is a marketing guru and I enjoy…


Will Motorists Get Greater Protection Against Deadly and Underreported Underride Accidents?

An underride accident is when a car, SUV or passenger truck goes underneath a tractor-trailer.  Underrides typically occur from the rear or the side.  Regardless of the type, the key parts of the vehicle that are designed to prevent intrusion into the occupant compartment like the bumper, frame and pillars…


Spring Showers Bring May Flowers and Accidents

Did you know your risk of being involved in a fatal car or truck accident increases by roughly 127% during light precipitation? In a heavy rain or snow storm, the odds of being in a fatal car or truck crash surges to an increase of 246%. And, the most dangerous…

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