In 2013, the number of dog bite claims rose 5.5%, and in the last decade claims have risen more than 45%. Dog bite claims account for more than 1/3 of all homeowners’ claims, and in 2013 the average claim was $29,752.00. In total, insurance carriers paid out more than $438 million dollars in dog bite claims. Of course, the severity of a dog bite claim can vary greatly. Some victims get away with only a small bite or scratch. While other dog bite incidents should be more appropriately characterized as an attack given the substantial injuries suffered by the victim.
At The Law Offices of John Day, P.C., our award-winning lawyers are experienced in dog bite claims and would be glad to talk to you about your case free of charge. We handle all dog bite cases on a contingency basis so we only get paid if we recover money for you. So call us any time at 615-742-4880 or toll-free at 866-812-8787 or simply fill out this form and we will call you.
To learn more about Tennessee dog bite cases and Tennessee dog bite law, click on the links below:
Tennessee’s Dog Bite Law and Proving Your Case