
First Year of Motorcycle Riding is the Most Dangerous

The HIghway Data Loss Institute reports that motorcyclists are most at risk when they begin riding.

An analysis of claims data reveals that some 22% of claims studied occurred within the first 30 days after an insurance policy was issued.  The rate of claims dropped 1/3rd in the second month and almost 2/3rds after six months.  The first 30 days of riding is riskier than the entire second year.

Operating a motorcycle is a complex undertaking.  Regardless of your experience, operating motorcycles require your full attention at all times. 

The warm weather has brought motorcycles out earlier than ever.  Motorcyclists, remember that when you pick a fight with a car you will lose.  Car drivers, remember that motorcycles are everywhere and have a right to share the road with you.  If everyone pays attention to the rights of others, many lives will be saved.

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