My lawyer said that he needed to spend money on demonstrative evidence to help us win the case. What is demonstrative evidence? Demonstrative evidence are things that demonstrate or show information to the jury. Demonstrative evidence may be an enlargement of an x-ray showing a fracture in a bone,…
Tennessee Injury Law Center
What is A Structured Settlement?
My neighbor mentioned that he settled his personal injury case and received a structured settlement. What is that? When personal injury and wrongful death cases are settled, money is often paid in a lump sum. In other words, a check is made payable to the claimant and the claimant’s lawyer.…
What Happens If the Person That Hurt Me Dies?
I was hurt in a head-on automobile accident. The driver that crossed the centerline and hit me died in the wreck. Do I have legal rights against him even if he is dead? Yes. Although you can’t sue someone who is dead, you can sue his estate. If an estate…
What Are My Rights When I Was Hurt in a Car Wreck While I Was Working?
I was running an errand for my employer last week and was in car wreck. The other driver ran a red light and broad-sided me. My car was totaled and I spent three days in the hospital. What are my rights? You have two potential claims. First, you have a…
Should I Pick a Lawyer Based on His or Her Age?
I need to hire a lawyer in a personal injury case. Should I take age into consideration? I am worried about hiring a law who lacks experience. I happen to think that 53 is a perfect age for a personal injury or wrongful death lawyer. In a couple weeks, I…
I Got Hurt on the Job and Then My Employer Fired Me!
I hurt my back at work. I told my boss about it and he told me to go to the doctor. The doctor said I needed to take off work for at least one week. When I told my boss that he got angry and fired me. What are my…
For-Profit Lawyer Referral Services
When I go on the Internet there seems to be lots of websites that will give me a list of lawyers. Are they good places to go to find a lawyer to help me in a personal injury or wrongful death case? Well, there is nothing particularly wrong with them.…
Should I Give A Statement to the Insurance Company?
I was in a car wreck last week. I spent five days in the hospital and am now recovering at home. I am getting a couple calls a day from the insurance adjuster for the driver that hit me. The message he left for me is that he wants to…
Why Does Medicare Get A Piece of My Settlement?
We just reached a settlement of my truck wreck case. Medicare is going to get a check for over $20,000? My lawyer says we have to pay Medicare this money because Medicare paid most of my medical bills. Is that right? Yes. Medicare has a legal right to be…
Why is My Past Medical History Important?
I was hurt in a car wreck and hurt my back. The insurance adjuster for the other driver wants to know if I ever had any back pain in my life before the wreck. I don’t think this is any of her business. Can the insurance find out this…