It is Wednesday evening, and as I write this blog post, the ballots in our presidential and some Senate races are still being counted or re-counted and lawsuits have been filed and more threatened. But do not worry, this blog post is not about that voting. Instead, it is about…
Tennessee Injury Law Center
Safety Tips for a Spook-tacular Halloween!
Today, October 26th, is National Tennessee Day. We did not even know there was such a thing, but we did know that it is still National Pedestrian Safety Month and in five days we will be celebrating Halloween and lots of pedestrians will be out and about. Right now, there…
October Is National Pedestrian Safety Month
No matter where you live or your typical form of transportation, we are all pedestrians. When you get out of your car to walk through the parking lot to go into Target, you are a pedestrian. When you walk your dog through your neighborhood, you are a pedestrian. Your children…
Child Passenger Safety Week
Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death for children, and this week is Child Passenger Safety Week to try and raise awareness about how to prevent child passenger injuries and deaths. When used properly, car safety seats can reduce the risk of death by 70% in infants under…
Share the Road: Pedestrian Accidents
This past Saturday at approximately 10:30 p.m., after leaving a political dinner, the South Dakota Attorney General called police to report he had hit a deer with his vehicle. The next day, police discovered that he had not, in fact, hit a deer but instead a pedestrian who was walking…
Labor Day Safety Tips
The unofficial end of summer is here. A lot of kids are back in school and this is the last hoorah before settling into a different season and, hopefully, some cooler temperatures. Like everything else associated with 2020, Labor Day is going to look different for a lot of folks. …
International Day of the Dog
Today is International Day of the Dog, but if your dog is like Lincoln Isaac Day (pictured above), every day is Day of the Dog. Other dogs are not as fortunate so animal advocates created International Day of the Dog to highlight dog issues and to encourage adopting a…
Legionnaire’s Disease: Something Else You Might Need To Be Worried About Right Now
Earlier this week, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the nation’s watchdog for public health, had to close some of its office space in Atlanta because Legionella bacteria had been discovered in the building, which had been shuttered by the coronavirus pandemic. Apparently, the effects of the pandemic continue…
Boating Safety During A Pandemic
In Chris Janson’s summertime anthem “Buy Me A Boat”, he sings: “I know what they say; money can’t buy everything, maybe so, but it can buy me a boat.” Well Chris, maybe not during a pandemic. As folks look for ways to beat the heat and enjoy some socially-distanced fun,…
Don’t Believe Everything You Read (Or Sign)
Right now on Amazon, for $18.95, you can buy a large neon yellow sign with bold black lettering that that reads: “Not responsible for cars or personal property lost or stolen or for injury to persons, car or personal property on premises.” Just imagine, for less than $20, you can…