At the Law Offices of John Day, our award-winning lawyers work on car and truck accident cases every day. We also try to stay abreast of hot topics and new information related to car and truck accidents. Here are a few of the ones that have hit our radar lately:…
Tennessee Injury Law Center
Talk to Your Kids: Drowsy Driving
As parents, we try to warn our kids about the dangers associated with driving. We want to keep them safe so we talk to them about texting and driving, drinking and driving, wearing their seatbelt, etc., but one danger we often fail to discuss is drowsy driving. And drowsy driving…
Tennessee Worst in the Nation for Distracted Driving
According to a new report, Tennessee is worst in the nation for distracted driving accidents. Distracted driving car accident deaths in Tennessee are almost five times the national average. In just two years, Tennessee had more than 1,400 fatalities that were directly attributable to distracted driving accidents. When we hear…
Pedestrian Accidents Are On the Rise
I Walk the Line was Johnny Cash’s mantra. Aerosmith instructed us to Walk this Way and U2 told us to Walk On. And while Dire Straits sang about the Walk of Life, new statistics reveal walking has become more dangerous and deadly. Read on to find out all the facts…
Do You Have Ochophobia?
Ochophobia is the fear of vehicles. For a specific fear of semi-trucks, one writer has coined the term: semiochophobia. If you have semiochophobia, you are not alone. A lot of passenger car and truck drivers, as well as motorcyclists, are scared of 18-wheelers, and for good reason according to a…
The Opioid Epidemic on Our Roadways
In addition to the more than 2 million Americans addicted to the drug, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 130 Americans die every day from opioid overdoses. But the opioid toll does not stop there. New data shows the opioid epidemic has found its way to the…
The NTSB Wants New Regulations to Reduce Car and Truck Accidents
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has announced its top priorities for the next two years with a list of regulations the agency thinks will reduce truck and car accidents. The requested regulations seek to curb the rising tide of accident-related deaths. In 2017, deaths from large truck crashes reached…
Attention All Current and Former Service Members from Ft. Campbell to Andrews AFB and Beyond: Defective Ear Plugs
Our country’s service members are the best in the world. And that is not just us proudly saying that; Business Insider has ranked the top 25 militaries in the world and the United States is first based on a number of factors. One of those factors is the fact that…
Albert Einstein Warned Against Kissing and Driving; LOJD Warns Against Texting & Driving
Albert Einstein remarked “Any man that can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” Einstein was a wise man. Kissing is not the only thing you can’t safely do while driving. Anything that diverts your attention from the road increases…
Four Easy New Day’s Resolutions
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? A lot of us do. The most common New Year’s resolutions are: (1) exercise more; (2) eat healthier; (3) save money. We all have such good intentions and then life gets in the way. In fact, by February, 80% of New Year’s resolutions are…