
Tennessee Injury Law Center


DOs and DONT’s: The Legal Version

You may have seen those fashion magazines where they have pictures of people wearing clothes the right way and the wrong way.  On the wrong way pictures, they usually put a black box over the person’s face to hide the shame of wearing a meat dress or tights as pants. …


Your Christmas To Do List

For most of us, our Christmas To Do list looks something like: buy gifts, wrap gifts, send Christmas cards, decorate tree and house, attend parties, etc.  In the hustle and bustle of all things Christmas, we often forget to do those things that can keep our families safe.  At The…


Are You A Left Lane Hog?

  Should I Move Over? We probably all have a long list of driving pet peeves from drivers who tailgate or don’t use their blinkers to drivers who aren’t paying attention when a light turns green so you have to honk to get them to go.   My biggest driving pet…


The Unfair Character Assassination of Government Regulations

Government regulations are often scorned and characterized as job killers, expensive and unnecessary. To be sure, there are some odd regulations on the books that deserve some derision  (I am looking at you, T.C.A. 70-4-115, the Road Kill law). But generally, government regulations are a good thing for the public.…


Pedestrian Safety (Wyoming and Everywhere)

We went to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone for Fall Break.  While walking in downtown Jackson, we noticed flags stuck in posts at intersections.  The first time we saw them we thought they were related to some work being done on the wooden sidewalks.  But as we continued to walk,…


A Few Bad Apples

In any line of work, there are always a few that embarrass the rest of the profession whether you are talking about lawyers, plumbers, car salesmen, contractors, teachers, accountants, etc.  Unfortunately, some of the bad apples tend to come out after injury accidents, so here is what you need to…


Distracted Driving and Self-Driving Boats

As a driving community, we recognize distracted driving is dangerous and should be illegal, yet not only do we continue to do it but we also have the nerve to think we are good at it.  A recent study by Progressive Insurance Company found that a majority of drivers believe distracted…


Put Your Cellphone Away While Crossing the Street Unless You Want To Get a Ticket

Some people can’t walk and chew gum at the same time, but Honolulu thinks too many people are bad at walking and texting.  The city has now passed legislation which outlaws pedestrians crossing the street while texting or otherwise using their smartphones.  As you might expect, the law is receiving…


So Let’s Talk About Those Solar Eclipse Goggles You Have

Months ago, when I first learned of the solar eclipse, I immediately ordered some solar eclipse goggles.  Even though the goggles were more expensive, I ordered them for a couple of reasons: (1) since they fit snuggly around the head they allegedly fit children better and posed less risk of…

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