So, it is January 4th. How many of your New Year’s resolutions are already busted? If you are like most of us, it is probably at least one. That is the bad news. But, here is the good news: below is a list of 10 easy New Year’s resolutions that…
Tennessee Injury Law Center
Still Driving Despite 17 DUIs and a Suspended License: How to Protect Yourself From Folks Like This
Earlier this month, a Shelbyville woman was arrested for her 17th DUI. No, that is not a typo– seventeen DUIs. According to reports, the habitual drunk driver was arrested yet again after she crossed the center-line and crashed head-on into another vehicle injuring the other driver. Of course, given her…
Make Me A Witness
A few weeks ago, I received a voicemail from a lawyer indicating he would like me to be a witness in a case and wanted to talk to me about my recollections surrounding the event at issue. I will confess my response was to cringe a little. As a trial…
Pedestrians in Wheelchairs at Much Greater Risk of Injury and Death
Being a pedestrian is dangerous. Each year in the United States roughly 5,000 people are killed in pedestrian accidents and another 76,000 are injured. But recent data shows the risk to pedestrians using wheelchairs is even more profound as those individuals are 36% more likely to die in an accident…
Beware Ban the Box
Ban the Box is a movement, which seeks to eliminate from job applications any questions about a job applicant’s criminal background. The theory behind the movement is that by “banning the box” prospective employers will not automatically discriminate against and eliminate candidates in the hiring process. Metro Nashville has adopted…
How Much Should I Settle My Injury Case For?
This really is the big question, isn’t it? On Avvo, you see it asked a lot by folks who are trying to handle their case without a lawyer. And at The Law Offices of John Day, P.C., we get asked this question, or some variation of it, almost every single…
National Drowsy Driving Prevention Week: 5 Tips For Staying Awake and Alive
More than 1/3 of Americans have reported following asleep at the wheel, and drowsy driving causes roughly 100,000 accidents each year, claims roughly 1,500 lives and results in 71,000 injuries. In fact, driving while sleepy can impair your performance as much as alcohol. While drowsy driving can affect anyone, some folks…
Ten Steps To Safe Halloween Driving
Tomorrow night is Halloween. If your kids trick-or-treat on the ever-popular Richland Avenue in Nashville or Main Street in Franklin, then they can collect candy without worrying about cars. But most streets in our area are not closed for trick-or treating, so it is imperative for drivers to exercise extra…
Avoidable Liabilities: A Rant
I just read an article that suggested tech companies like Google and Apple should rethink entering the automotive market because it is a “different animal” due to the cost associated with building auto plants, building sales and service networks and the “daunting liabilities involved when human lives are at stake.”…
How To Tell If A Doctor’s Mistake is Malpractice
Because the practice of medicine is complex, there is not an easy answer to this question. But, here are some things to consider when trying to decide if you have been the victim of malpractice. First, a mistake has to be made. In legal terms, we call this falling below…