We all know that drinking and driving is dangerous. The same is true about driving while under the influence of certain drugs including prescription medications. But, most people are not aware that certain medical conditions can impair driving ability. For instance, individuals diagnosed with epilepsy need to have their seizures well-controlled and meet…
Tennessee Injury Law Center
Defective Air Bags Affect Millions of Vehicles
If you have an airbag system in your vehicle, you likely take comfort in this additional piece of safety equipment. But because of a defect, your airbag may now present a serious risk of injury. Takata Corporation, a Japanese company, is the second largest manufacturer of vehicle safety equipment including…
New iPhone App Prevents Texting and Driving
Yesterday, we told you about the alarming increase in texting while driving amongst teens. Today, we want to share with you some new technology to help combat this dangerous and deadly behavior. Earlier this week, a new app was released in the Apple store. The app completely disables an iPhone while driving. The app…
Texting While Driving Now a Greater Risk to Teens than Smoking
The good news: teen smoking is down. In fact, it is at a 22 year low. The bad news: texting while driving is on the rise. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recently released a new report which shows that 41.4% of students admit to texting and emailing while driving…
Dog Bite Claims Continue To Rise
In 2013, the number of dog bite claims rose 5.5%, and in the last decade claims have risen more than 45%. Dog bite claims account for more than 1/3 of all homeowners’ claims, and in 2013 the average claim was $29,752.00. In total, insurance carriers paid out more than $438 million dollars…
On-Call Chauffeurs and Things You Should Consider Before Letting Them Drive Your Little Deuce Coupe, Little Red Corvette or your Hot Rod Lincoln
OK, I will admit it. I am a card-carrying member of AARP and I am proud of it – mostly because of the discounts I have enjoyed since qualifying for membership at age 51. Earlier this week, while reading the AARP monthly magazine, I was alerted to the growing trend of…
Troubling News About Uber
For the reasons outlined in this prior post on the subject, we have been interested in the tort implications associated with Uber and similar ride-sharing services. Recently, we read some troubling comments from Uber’s CEO regarding an alleged assault perpetrated by an Uber driver. Apparently, an Uber driver allegedly choked a woman…
More Uber News
It is not just U.S. taxi drivers who are upset over Uber. In some European cities yesterday, taxi drivers took to the streets without passengers yesterday to clog traffic in protest over the unregulated Uber. The protests in Europe focus on the same issues raging in the United States: licensure, training, insurance,…
Case Expenses in Tennessee Injury and Wrongful Death Cases
Virtually all, if not all, Tennessee personal injury and wrongful death lawyers will work on a contingent fee – which means the lawyer receives a percentage of the total recovery for the client in the case. If there is no recovery, the lawyer charges no fee whatsoever. However, not all…
Speed Limiters and Big Trucks: A New Law Is Coming Down the Road
Interstates 40, 65, 75, 24, and 81 cross through Tennessee, and Interstates 40, 65 and 24 run right through the heart of Nashville. Thousands and thousands of tractor-trailer rigs pass over these highways every day, and most of the operators follow act responsibly and obey the laws that govern the…