
Tennessee Injury Law Center


Punitive Damages for Texting and Driving

 In California, an appellate court is being asked to consider whether a texting driver can be held liable for punitive damages.  Punitive damages are intended to punish the wrongdoer and, hopefully, deter others from engaging in the same harmful conduct.  In the texting while driving context, the argument is that…


Unexpected Legislation For Bully Dog Breeds

Certain breeds of dogs have historically been classified as bully breeds and subject to special rules. For instance, military bases ban certain bully breeds. And, in the past, many local governments passed bans prohibiting residents from owning specified bully breeds. But surprisingly, that legislative trend is now reversing itself.  State…


Social Media and Litigation: Three Things You Should Not Do

Almost everyone who is reading this has some connection to social media.  If you are not on Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Instagram or other social media, I would be wiling to bet your kids, spouse, girlfriend, grandkids, boyfriend or someone else close to you is using social media.  And if you…


Patient Safety Week – Day 6

According to research conducted by John Hopkins Medical Center, diagnostic errors do the most harm to patients and result in the most medical malpractice claims and additional expenses.   Diagnostic errors can be either a missed diagnosis, a delayed diagnosis or a wrong diagnosis. Some of the most common reasons for diagnostic…


Patient Safety Week – Day 5

Earlier in the week, we discussed the "never event" of wrong site surgeries. Another never event is patient falls. Patient falls in hospitals, nursing homes and other medical facilities should never happen. In fact, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will typically not reimburse medical facilities for additional medical treatment that is necessitated…


Patient Safey Week – Day 4

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each day roughly 1 in every 20 hospitalized patients will develop a healthcare-associated infection as a result of receiving medical care. And, that statistic does not include infections acquired at doctor’s offices and long-term care facilities. There are several types of healthcare-acquired infections…


Patient Safety Week – Day 3

National Patient Safety Week continues and so does our discussion about preventable medical errors. Medical errors are now the third leading cause of death in the United States. Only cancer and heart-disease claim more lives.   Accidents, stroke, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease are not even close to the deaths caused by preventable medical…

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