Under Tennessee injury law, a person who causes harm to another is responsible for the reasonable medical costs incurred by the injured party to diagnosis and treat injuries that were caused in the incident and to pay the present day value of future medical expenses likely to be incurred in…
Tennessee Injury Law Center
Civil Liability for Stalking in Tennessee — Lawsuits and Damages
Stalking is willful conduct involving repeated harassment of someone that causes them to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed or molested. Not only is the conduct a crime in Tennessee, but it also can rise to a civil lawsuit and a damage award if it results in the victim suffering serious…
What Does It Mean When a Jury is “Deadlocked?”
A jury is considered "deadlocked" when it is unable to reach an unanimous decision. In Tennessee personal injury and wrongful death trials a jury of twelve people sits in judgment of the case and all twelve must agree on all issues. When they fail to do so they are "deadlocked."…
I Need a Tennessee Car Accident Lawyer. Do I Need to Pay You A Fee to Meet With Me?
No. At the Law Offices of John Day, P.C. we do not charge a fee to meet with any potential client who wants to discuss a potential car accident, truck accident or other personal injury claim with us. We will meet with you or a member of your family in…
How Many People Sit on A Jury In A Tennessee Personal Injury Case?
Tennessee law requires juries of twelve citizens in injury trials and in all other types of civil and criminal jury trials. Rarely, the lawyers in the case will agree that the case can be decided by less than twelve people, but a very, very high percentage of jury trials in…
Does The At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Company Have to Pay for A Rental Car While My Car Is Being Fixed?
Technically speaking, the automobile insurance company for the driver who caused your accident and damaged your car or truck does not have the responsibility to pay for a rental vehicle while your vehicle is being repaired. However, as a practical matter, many insurance companies will pay for the cost of…
Hit and Run Accidents in Tennessee
If you are involved in a Tennessee hit and run accident you may still be able to recover damages for the injuries you sustained in the accident. How? Your uninsured motorist insurance coverage on your vehicle protects you from hit and run drivers. To prove an uninsured motorist claim in…
What Is A Certificate of Good Faith in a Tennessee Medical Malpractice Case?
Tennessee law requires that certificate of good faith be filed with the Court at the time a medical malpractice (now called a health care liability) lawsuit is filed. The certificate of good faith form is found on the website of the Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts. The form…
The Need To Give Formal Notice Before Filing A Medical Malpractice Claim
Tennessee law requires that formal notice of medical malpractice (now called health care liability) claims must be given before a lawsuit can be filed. Notice must be given before the one-year statute of limitations (the typical deadline for filing suit in medical malpractice cases) expires. The notice must include certain…
Why Can’t I Sue the Insurance Company of the Person Who Caused My Car Accident?
If you are injured in a Tennessee car accident, truck accident or any other type of event, you do not have the right to file suit against the insurance company of the person or company that caused the injury. Instead, if you want to recover damages for what happened you…