
Tennessee Injury Law Center


Tennessee Automobile Crash Deaths Decline in 2011 But Are Back Up in 2012

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has finished a review of 2011 motor vehicle accidents and concluded that the death rate in Tennessee automobile accidents decreased by 8.3% for that year. In 2010, 1032 people died on Tennessee roads.  In 2011, the number dropped to 946.  This means that 86 …


What is Subrogation?

As lawyers who represent people in Tennessee car accidents and Tennessee truck accidents, we are frequently asked about subrogation. What is subrogation?  In the context of auto and truck accident cases, subrogation most frequently arises because the injured person’s health insurance company has language in the health insurance contract which…


Deaths of Bicyclists Increase in United States

Deaths of bicyclists increased 8.7 percent in 2011 according to data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.  The death total was 677.  Another 48,000 bicyclists were injured. The increase in bicycle deaths probably reflects more people riding bicycles to work and for pleasure, said Jonathan Adkins, deputy executive director of…


How Many Jury Trials Are There in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Case in Tennessee Per Year?

In the year ending June 30, 2011 (the most recent year for which statistics are available) there were 499 trials in Tennessee personal injury and wrongful death cases. Only 222 of these trials were jury trials.  The other 277 trials were non-jury trials. Shelby County had 44 jury trials in…


Lawsuits Against Physician Assistants in Tennessee

Physician assistants (PAs) are increasing in number in Tennessee.  Physician assistants are licensed by the state and are supposed to assist a physician in the practice of medicine. The State of Tennessee has issued rules concerning the work done by physician assistants.  A physician assistant must have formal training in…


September 2012 Jury Trial Results in Tort Cases in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee

There were six jury trials in tort cases in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee during the month of September, 2012. Here are the results: Auto accident – verdict for the plaintiff – $8000 Auto accident – plaintiff found 50% at fault – no $ awarded Auto accident – verdict for the…


Deadline for Filing Medical Malpractice Cases in Tennessee

There is a one-year deadline (called a "statute of limitation") for bringing a Tennessee medical malpractice case.   Changes to the law several years ago means that a person must give formal notice to each defendant in a medical malpractice case before a lawsuit can be filed in the court…


Prejudgment Interest Is Not Awarded in Tennessee Personal Injury or Wrongful Death Cases

Tennessee law does not permit the recovery of prejudgment interest in personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits . However, if you win a case and a judgment is entered by the court you are permitted to recover interest on the amount of the judgment.  Under the law in effect before…


“The Insurance Adjuster Was So Nice In The Beginning”

We have a significant number of people who contact us several months after a Tennessee automobile wreck, after most of the physical evidence is gone and poor decisions have been made about pursing appropriate health care.  When we ask why the person waited so long to contact us, the response…


Payment of Litigation Expenses in Tennessee Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation

The litigation of certain types of personal injury and wrongful death cases, particularly medical malpractice, products liability, and tractor-truck cases, can be very expensive. Most Tennessee personal injury and Tennessee wrongful death lawyers are willing to work on a contingent fee, but there must be money available to finance the…

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