If the driver that causes a Tennessee car accident or truck accident does not have liability insurance, your own automobile insurance coverage may also apply in provide a source for monetary recovery to pay your medical bills and compensate you for your injuries. This type of insurance coverage is also…
Tennessee Injury Law Center
Damages Available in A Child Sexual Abuse Case in Tennessee
Child sex abuse victims in Tennessee may recover damages against the abuser for the following types of losses: medical expenses lost wages (if any) pain suffering disfigurement disability loss of enjoyment of life. If the injuries result in future or permanent physical or emotional problems, additional damages may be recovered for …
Deadlines For Tennessee Personal Injury Claims for Children
As Tennessee personal injury lawyers who represent children who have been harmed by the negligence of others, we are frequently asked how quickly parents must act to protect the legal rights of their children. Under the law in Tennessee, there are time limits on which any person can bring a…
Recovery of Damages For Lost Wages in Personal Injury Cases
Tennessee law permits the recovery of lost wages in Tennessee automobile accident cases, truck accident cases, medical malpractice cases, and all other types of Tennessee personal injury claims. Technically, the measurement of damages is referred to as "lost earning capacity." This phrase is used in recognition of the fact…
BR Goodrich and Uniroyal Tires Recalled – Risk of Tire Separation
BF Goodrich and Uniroyal, part of the Michelin North America tire company, have recalled more than 800,000 tires because of the risk of tire tread belt separation. The voluntary safety recall occurred after quality-control workers noticed a report in problems with the tire – some 150 tires were reported to…
Damages in Medical Malpractice (Health Care Liability) Cases in Tennessee That Result in a Personal Injury
A person who suffers an injury giving rise to a Tennessee medical malpractice (now known as a health care liability) case has a right to recover damages for their injuries. As a Tennessee medical malpractice attorney i am fortunate to have represented many people who have been injured as a result of…
Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Lawsuits Against the State Of Tennessee
Suing the State of Tennessee in a personal injury or wrongful death case is different than suing a person or business in a personal injury case. Here are some of the major differences: 1. Formal notice must be given before a lawsuit is filed with the Division of Claims Administration.…
Deadlines for Filing Personal Injury Cases in Tennessee
As a Tennessee personal injury lawyer, I receive at least one call every week from a potential personal injury client who has waiting too long to hire a lawyer to get help with filing a lawsuit. Recently, I had calls from three people in one week who called me too…
Past Medical History in Tennessee Personal Injury Litigation
People who have been injured in car or truck accidents and seek the services of a Tennessee personal injury lawyer frequently want to know if their medical history will explored by the insurance company of the person who caused their injuries. The answer to that question is simple: it depends.…
Damages in Car Accident Cases in Tennessee
A person who suffers an injury in Tennessee automobile or truck accident as a result of the negligence of another person has a right to recover damages for their injuries. As a Tennessee car accident attorney i am fortunate to have represented many people who have been injured in car and truck…