
Tennessee Injury Law Center


How Does Liability Insurance Work in Tennessee Automobile Accident Cases?

As Tennessee automobile accident lawyers the Law Offices of John Day, P.C. deals with automobile liability insurance policies on a daily basis. Auto liability insurance (a) provides you will a lawyer in the event you are claimed to have caused a auto accident  and (b) provides you some dollar of…


Does Life Insurance Impact Damages Awarded in Tennessee Wrongful Death Cases?

As Tennessee wrongful death lawyers who represent the families of wrongful death victims, we are occasionally asked whether the fact that victim’s family received life insurance as a result of the death impacts the amount of money that is awarded by a jury in a wrongful death case.  That answer is…


Medical Malpractice Claims Against Internal Medicine Doctors

As Tennessee medical malpractice lawyers, we are often asked to evaluate claims against doctors who practice in the specialty of internal medicine.   (For an understanding of what is necessary to prove a medical malpractice claim in Tennessee, read our Legal Guide titled "Understanding Medical Malpractice Cases in Tennessee."  The…


10 Things To Do If You Are Involved in a Tennessee Car Accident

There are hundreds of car accidents in Tennessee every day, and any case involving personal injuries may result in litigation.  Thus, it is important to take certain steps immediately to protect your rights.   At the Law Offices of John Day, P.C., we recommend the following: 1. If you can…


Medication Errors Give Rise to Injuries and Medical Malpractice Cases

Medication errors hurt and kill many people every year.  The Institute of Medicine reports that there are 1,500,000 preventable adverse drug events per year.   The conservative estimate of the costs of these errors is $3.5 billion, not including the costs such as lost earnings and the pain and suffering…


Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Against Hospitalists

Hospitalists are a relatively new phenomenon in the medical field and it logically follows that from time to time these doctors will be subject to medical malpractice lawsuits.   As doctors who care for patients in the hospital, the growth of hospitalists is the recognition that patient outcomes will be…


Damages in Burn Injury Cases in Tennessee

A person who suffers a burn injury in Tennessee as a result of the negligence of another person has a right to recover damages for their injuries.  As Tennessee burn injury lawyers, we have represented many people who received burns in a variety of settings.  Tennessee law provides that a…


Brain Injury During Childbirth – Deadline for Legal Action

Almost every day in Tennessee a child is born that suffered a brain injury during childbirth.  Brain injuries can arise for many reasons, some of which can be prevented with prompt medical diagnosis and treatment and some of which cannot. If you have a child you have suffered a brain…

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