The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. has recently updated its website to share information about claims arising from Tennessee motorcycle accidents. Information is power, and our law firm has a long history of empowering consumers with knowledge of the legal system. Indeed, in the early 1980s, John Day taught…
Tennessee Injury Law Center
Tennesee Trucking Accident
The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. has recently updated its website to share more information about Tennessee truck accidents with those injured as a result of truck driver or trucking company negligence. The following links will guide you to information about trucking accidents and your legal rights. Tennessee Truck…
Criminals Cannot Avoid Financial Responsibility for Their Crimes By Filing For Bankruptcy
Those who rape, murder, beat up, or steal from others are not only committing crimes – they also can be sued for monetary damages for the harm they cause. As Tennessee personal injury lawyers who represent crime victims, one frequent question is the availability of resources of the criminal to…
Lawsuits Seeking Damages For Crime Victims
Assault, rape, sexual abuse, theft, and murder are not just crimes. They also give rise to a right for the victim to seek damages for the harm caused. Our firm has represent victims for each of these crimes and brought lawsuits against those who committed the crimes or those who negligently…
Drunk Driving Arrests Increase in Tennessee
The good news is that the overall crime rate in Tennessee has decreased. The bad news is that the report reveals that a total of 26,340 people were arrested for DUI in 2011, an increase from the 24,154 arrests made in 2010. Here is some more data about those…
Injuries Arising From Kugel Mesh
Davol, Inc. produced the Kugel mesh patch to be used to repair abdominal hernias. The patch, consisting of two layers of synthetic mesh surrounded by a flexible plastic “memory-recoil ring," is implanted at the site of a hernia. The ring then springs into place, allowing the hernia to heal and…
Doctor Operates on Wrong Body Part
Wrong-site surgeries happen with alarming frequency. Wrong-site mistakes can arise several ways, such as mixing up the left and right sides of the body; operating on a patient who was accidentally given test results belonging to someone else; marking the incorrect vertebrae in spinal surgery; neglecting to mark the…
What Is a Summons?
A summons is a court form that orders the person named in it to appear in court. A summons is usually thought of as the document that accompanies a complaint – the document by which one person describes the basis for a lawsuit against another. The summons is delivered with…
What Happens at A Deposition?
A deposition is a tool used primarily in civil lawsuits for uncovering evidence before an actual trial. In theory and in fact, depositions help resolve cases before trial because each person involved in the case can learn the facts from his or her opponent and from independent witnesses. Depositions usually…
First Year of Motorcycle Riding is the Most Dangerous
The HIghway Data Loss Institute reports that motorcyclists are most at risk when they begin riding. An analysis of claims data reveals that some 22% of claims studied occurred within the first 30 days after an insurance policy was issued. The rate of claims dropped 1/3rd in the second month…