
Tennessee Injury Law Center


How Many Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Cases Are Filed Every Year In Tennessee State Courts?

What is the number of personal injury and wrongful death cases that are filed every year in Tennessee state courts? For the year ended June 30, 2010 (the most recent year for which statistics are available) these were 10,469 tort cases filed.  (Tort case include all types of personal injury…


Lawyer Did Not Respond To Motion For Summary Judgment And I Lost. Can I Sue Her?

I had a case pending in Circuit Court in one of the counties in Middle Tennessee.  The defendant filed  a motion for summary judgment and my lawyer forgot to respond on time so the judge dismissed my case.  Can I sue my lawyer for not filing papers on time to…


Is There A Limit on Punitive Damages in Tennessee Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Cases?

Does Tennessee have any limits on punitive damages in personal injury and wrongful death cases? Yes, for all injuries and deaths that occur as a result of reckless or malicious acts on or after October 1, 2011. Under the new law, punitive damages are limited to $500,000 or two times…

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