I saw a car wreck last year. Apparently a lawsuit was filed and now they want to take my deposition. I got a subpoena saying I have to show up at some lawyer’s office and give a deposition. Do I have to do it? Yes. There are a couple technical…
Tennessee Injury Law Center
What Does It Mean When a Lawyer Offers a “Free Consultation?”
I see all of these lawyers saying that they will give me a free consultation. What does that mean? Lawyers are just like anyone else – they have only so much time in a given day. To make a living, many lawyers charge by the hour. Other lawyers charge a…
Car Accident – Other Driver Smoking Pot
My car was broadsided when another driver ran a red light. He reeked of pot, and the cops gave him a ticket for operating under the influence. I thought you could only get a ticket for operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol? Marijuana affects one’s ability to operate…
“I Have Been Sued!” Now What?
I was involved in a car wreck in Springfield, Tennessee last Spring and last Friday I got sued. What do I do now? First, call your insurance agent and tell him or her that you have been sued. Second, your agent may tell you to send the papers to…
Is My Lawyer Holding My Settlement Check Just To Collect Interest?
My lawyer just settled my Tennessee personal injury case. I signed the check and the other papers. Now my lawyer says I can’t have the money for ten days because he has to hold the check in his trust account until it clears. That can’t be right. Is he just…
Car Accident – Why No Ticket?
I was in a car accident in Clarksville, Tennessee. The guy that hit me ran a red light but the police officer did not give him a ticket. Three people told the officer that the guy ran the light! What’s going on? Probably nothing is going on other than the…
Can I Sue the Bar that Served the Drunk Driver?
I was hit by a drunk driver and was seriously hurt. The police officer told me the guy tested .20 – over twice the legal limit. I found out that the guy spent all afternoon in a local bar and was on his way to another bar when he hit…
Social Media and My Lawsuit
I was in a car accident in Murfreesboro and hired a personal injury lawyer to help me resolve my case. She warned me to be careful about Facebook and Twitter. Why? When you get involved in a personal injury lawsuit after a car wreck, the other driver’s insurance company and…
Injured By A Taxi In Nashville
I was driving in Nashville and was broad-sided by a taxi that ran a red light. I was hospitalized for four days and am not yet back to work. What are my rights? You have a personal injury claim. Our office has published this Legal Guide to answer your…
My “Pay for Click” Lawyer Doesn’t Have a Real Office!
I responded to a "pay for click" lawyer ad to try to find a lawyer for my car accident case. I met the lawyer at a coffee shop. I asked him where his office was. He gave me a business card with the address. I checked it out on Google…