
Why Should I Seek Medical Treatment Promptly if I Am Hurt in A Tennessee Automobile or Truck Accident?

As lawyers who have represented people in Tennessee truck and car accidents for over thirty years, we cannot over-emphasize the need to seek prompt medical attention for injuries received in auto and truck accidents.

Here is the problem:  if you delay seeking medical attention, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will argue that you were not hurt, that your injuries were not serious, or that your complaints are related to something other than the motor vehicle accident.  

There is a tendency for good people NOT to seek medical attention promptly, out of fear that they will be deemed whiners.  This thought process, while admirable, actually works against a person when they later try to resolve a personal injury claim.

Thus, we recommend that if a person who has been involved in an accident is having a medical problem to see a doctor.  The injured person should accurately report the problems he or she is having, being careful not to magnify or minimize any problem.  Follow the doctor’s advice, including going to a follow-up appointment if necessary.  If medication is prescribed, take it according to the doctor’s order.  If physical therapy is prescribed, attend the physical therapy sessions without fail and work hard to reach a full recovery.  

Do you need the assistance of a lawyer to represent you in your car or truck accident claim?  Please call John Day for a free consultation.  My number is 866-812-8787 or fill out this Contact Form.

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