With summer’s sweltering temperatures coming to an end, more Tennessee bicyclists and runners will take to the streets. So, it is a good time for all of us to remember our respective rights and responsibilities on the roadway. In Part One, we will start with bicyclists and Part Two will cover pedestrians.
Under Tennessee law, every person riding a bicycle is granted the same rights as operators of motor vehicles. Of course, bicyclists also owe certain duties. For instance, bicycle operators and passengers under age 16 must wear a helmet. All bicyclists must obey traffic signs and signals and the bike must be equipped with a head lamp and rear reflectors if riding at night. In addition, if a bicyclist is traveling at less than the normal speed of traffic, the bicyclists should ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of roadway.
Conversely, motorists must respect the bicyclists right to be on the roadway and treat the bicyclist in the same manner it would another motor vehicle. This means using proper signals, passing only where it is permitted and when it can be done safely, not tailgating or following too closely, etc.