Articles Posted in Injury Cases

I ate a local restaurant last night and about three hours later I began developing severe nausea, bad stomach cramps and diarrhea.   I was up all night.  I don’t feel any better this morning.  I think I may have food poisoning.  What do I do?

It is possible that you simple case of the flu, and if you have recently come into contact with others in your family or at work who have that condition that may be the explanation for your problems.  It is also possible that you have some other medical condition that is causing these problems.

Then again, you may have food poisoning.  It is estimated  that 76 million foodborne illness cases occur in the United States every year after eating foods contaminated with such pathogens as E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Hepatitis A, Campylobacter, Shigella, Norovirus, and Listeria.  Each year approximately 325,000 people are hospitalized with a diagnosis of food poisoning, and some 5,000 die.  

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