Articles Posted in Lawsuits Arising From Criminal Conduct



Recently, the Boy Scouts of America declared bankruptcy as a result of sexual abuse claims.  Less than a week later, a New York jury found Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood mogul, guilty on two felonies: rape and criminal sexual act and still faces similar charges in California.   These cases share some interesting similarities and will help create a lasting impact on the landscape of sexual abuse cases.  Read on to make sure you know your responsibilities with respect to sexual abuse claims.

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At dinner one night, when our son was little, he told a story about how a company had made a toy that did not perform as expected.  He concluded his tale with an indignant “They don’t care about us; they just want our money”.  From the mouths of babes, right?  We all laughed but the sad truth is that every day in the headlines we see where corporations put profits over safety.  To some, financial growth is the sole objective.  So what can be done? Continue reading


At this time of year, especially with a shortened season between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.  Shopping, wrapping, addressing, baking and all the other things that need to be squeezed into our already busy schedules can become stressful.  But it is important to take a step back, take a deep breath and realize that this type of overwhelmed is rooted in something joyful.  We buy the presents, send the cards, bake the cookies, etc. because it is part of a season of joy and festivities.  But, there is another type of overwhelmed. Continue reading


Fatal car accidents caused by aggressive driving have risen over 500% in the last ten years.  The worst of these road rage incidents make the news often accompanied by incredible videos of obnoxious drivers doing crazy things.  Let’s analyze this road rage incident that turned physical and was caught on video and assess how both drivers could have handled the situation better. Continue reading


For most Americans, the 4th of July means a day off from work filled with cookouts, the pool or lake, family, friends and fireworks.  Unfortunately, it also means the day with the highest number of fatal roadway accidents.  Yes, the 4th of July is deadlier than New Year’s Day or any other holiday.  If you plan to be on the roadways this 4th of July, please follow these five important safety tips: Continue reading


You probably have seen them – the bumper stickers, sometimes profanity-laced, urging drivers to put down the dang phone and drive.   On July 1st, if you don’t put down the dang or %#@$ phone, you could be talking to a police officer.  Continue reading


The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has announced its top priorities for the next two years with a list of regulations the agency thinks will reduce truck and car accidents.  The requested regulations seek to curb the rising tide of accident-related deaths.  In 2017, deaths from large truck crashes reached their highest level in 29 years, and car accidents continue to kill more than 40,000 people a year in the United States.   So what does the safety agency recommend in terms of new regulations and how will they affect Tennessee drivers? Continue reading


By the end of this week, most students in public and private schools in Middle Tennessee will be back to school. Whether you are happy or sad about that, here are some tips for keeping children safe this year and to also make sure you do not violate Tennessee law. Continue reading


At The Law Offices of John Day, P.C., we have two intake specialists, Penny Whitaker and Lauren Bates. When people call into the offices for a free consultation, Lauren and Penny take the basic accident information for a free review by one of our award-winning attorneys. Let me say, Penny and Lauren do a great job; they understand that when people call our office they are often confused about their rights and options, scared about what the future may bring and looking for help. And, we desperately want to help. But all too often, we can’t and that is where the disappointment comes in. This is never truer than when someone did do something wrong and injuries or death resulted. Let me explain. Continue reading


Each year in this country, there are nearly 10,000 alcohol-related driving deaths.  For decades, drunk driving deaths decreased thanks in large measure to increasing the drinking age to 21 and reducing the drunk driving BAC threshold.  But unfortunately, drunk driving is again on the rise.  Currently,  twenty-eight (28) percent of all car accident deaths are attributable to alcohol.  If you live in a rural area, the numbers are worse – the number jumps to 48%.  Given these staggering numbers, the federal government commissioned the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine to study the problem and offer suggestions on how to reduce these numbers.  In a nearly 500 page report, the panel recommended some controversial changes to reduce the frequency of drunk driving, and some of those recommendations are already meeting with opposition.

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