Articles Posted in Truck Accidents

I was hurt in a head-on automobile accident.  The driver that crossed the centerline and hit me died in the wreck.   Do I have legal rights against him even if he is dead?

Yes.   Although you can’t sue someone who is dead, you can sue his estate.   If an estate is not opened for him, you (through your lawyer) can petition the court to have an estate opened so that you can sue it and collect the monies you are entitled to recover.

The fact that the person who hit you died does not relieve his insurance company of the obligation to defend the case and pay the monies to you that you are entitled to receive under the law (up to the liability insurance policy limits). 

I am a college student who was run off the road by a tractor trailer.   I was badly hurt and had to miss a semester of college.  It looks like I will have permanent injuries as a result of the wreck.  What damages can I recover?

At the outset, let me remind you that no damages can be recovered unless you can prove that the truck driver negligently caused your injury.  The case you describe can be difficult, particularly if there was no impact between your vehicle and the truck and if there are no witnesses to the event. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you determine the likelihood of success of your case.

Now, back to your question.  In a personal injury cases arising from accidents with trucks, you can recover monetary damages for past and future medical bills incurred because of the injuries, past and future physical pain and suffering, past and future mental or emotional pain and suffering, loss of earning capacity, disability, lost capacity for the enjoyment of life, and disfigurement.

The police accident report says that I was not at fault in my wreck and that the other driver was at fault.  Can I used the police report as evidence at a trial to prove the wreck was not my fault?

Not in Tennessee state court.  A rule of evidence specifically excludes police accident reports from the types of public records that can be admitted into evidence at trial to show how an accident occurred.

Why?  Because unless the officer actually saw the accident the police report is only the officer’s opinion about what happened.  That opinion may be based on solely on whether the officer believes one person or the other and may have little value in determining what actually happened.  

I was in a bad car wreck.   I had $50,000 in medical bills and missed eight weeks of work  (I make $800 per week as a mechanic).   I am probably going to have to have another surgery.  My doctor also says I will have arthritis for the rest of my life.   I just found out that the person who hit me only has $100,000 of liability insurance.   That is not enough for what he did to me.   Can I force the person who caused the wreck to pay me out of his pocket?

A person or company is always liable for all of the harm they negligently cause.  A person purchases insurance to reduce his or her own risk of coming out of pocket to pay for that harm, but if the harm caused exceeds the amount of insurance purchased he or she is liable for the rest.  

The problem, of course, is collecting from a person who causes harm.  To make a payment to the injured person over and above the amount of insurance the person who causes harm must have assets, income, or both.   Many people have very few assets and insufficient income to make a payment to the person who they hurt.   If pressed, these people will often just file bankruptcy and the bankruptcy court will discharge the obligation.   (There are some exceptions to this.  For example, the bankruptcy court will not discharge the lawsuit-related obligation of a drunk driver or a person who intentionally harms another.) 

My child was killed by a drunk driver.   He was 10 years old. I want to file a lawsuit.  His no-good father, who never paid child support as ordered by the court and did not visit my son for the for the five year period after our divorce, says he is going to file a lawsuit, too.   Can he do that?  Does Tennessee law permit him to get money from the death of our son when he had nothing to do with our son when he was alive?

Unless you have some physical or mental health issue that you have not mentioned, you will have the right to bring the lawsuit. 

Tennessee law provides that a parent who has a parent who has intentionally refused or neglected to pay any support for a child for a two-year period, or for the life of the child, whichever is less, when subject to a court order requiring the payment of child support and who has intentionally refused or neglected to contact the child or exercise visitation during such period is not permitted to recover damages for the death of the child.  Thus, to cut off the father’s right to money out of any recovery you make, you will have to demonstrate that (a) there was a child support order; (b) the father intentionally did not pay for at least 2 years; and (c) he intentionally did not visit the child.

1. What are the responsibilities of truck and bus drivers?

Answer: Truck and bus drivers are required to live up to the same standards and laws as every other driver on the road. In addition to these general rules, there are special safety laws that also cover most commercial drivers.

First, to prevent drivers from driving so long that they become dangerously tired, the law sets maximum hours they are allowed to work before taking a break. Truck drivers cannot drive more than eleven hours in one shift without stopping to take a break. Also, no matter how much time they spend behind the wheel, a truck driver has to stop and take a break within fourteen hours of the time the driver first clocks in to work for a shift. A break has to be ten hours in a row completely off duty. It does not matter if a truck driver works for two or three different companies; to comply with the law, the truck river must take a ten hour break from any and all jobs.

1. What duties do drivers owe to other people on the road?

Answer: Drivers owe other persons upon the roadway a duty to use reasonable and due care in the operation of their vehicles so as to avoid injury to other persons using the roadway. This includes keeping a proper lookout, maintain proper control of the vehicle, turning appropriately, stopping appropriately, and maintaining an appropriate speed. A driver also has a duty to follow state laws and local ordinances in operation of their vehicle. One example of a state law that drivers must follow is that it is illegal to operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

Common carriers (those that carry passengers for hire, such as buses and taxi cabs) are held to a higher standard of care. They must exercise the highest degree of care for their passengers’ safety.

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