We love this photo for several reasons. First, this really is the Oscar Mayer wiener-mobile getting pulled over for a driving violation although it looks like it could be a scene from a Jim Carey or Chevy Chase movie. Second, it happened in John’s home state of Wisconsin. We can’t help but wonder if it had been a brat-mobile or a cheese-mobile whether the vehicle would have been pulled over at all. Third, this photo inspired us to remind Tennessee drivers of some important laws so that they are not an Oscar Mayer wiener. So read on to find out what the wiener-mobile did wrong and what you can do right. Continue reading
Articles Posted in Truck Accidents
Growth for the Sake of Growth Is the Ideology of the Cancer Cell *
At dinner one night, when our son was little, he told a story about how a company had made a toy that did not perform as expected. He concluded his tale with an indignant “They don’t care about us; they just want our money”. From the mouths of babes, right? We all laughed but the sad truth is that every day in the headlines we see where corporations put profits over safety. To some, financial growth is the sole objective. So what can be done? Continue reading
New Year – New Decade Resolutions
Well, we are one week into the new year and the new decade. How are you doing on your resolutions? Most folks, roughly 80%, will trash their resolutions by January 10th. The failure rate on resolutions is so high because generally resolutions like weight loss or learning a foreign language or completing your graduate degree require hard work and take significant time. But, we have 5 important resolutions that can be done in a couple of hours max and could make an incredible difference in your life. Continue reading
Asleep at the Wheel
A few days ago, the Today Show did a report on drivers asleep at the wheel while the vehicle’s automated technology drove the vehicle. Some of the video clips they showed were alarming, and a quick internet search revealed a lot more examples of drivers caught sleeping at the wheel. Of course, this prompts lots of questions. Is this safe with the existing technology? How much can drivers actually rely on automated systems? Should there be criminal penalties for drivers caught sleeping at the wheel? Should commercial vehicles be equipped with this technology? Read on for some information on these issues. Continue reading
Driving Home for Christmas
Have you heard the song “Driving Home for Christmas” by Chris Rea? I had never heard it until this year, but it actually has some great advice for driving home for Christmas and so do we. There are not many more days before the holiday so get ready now to make the drive safely. Here are our top 10 tips: Continue reading
At this time of year, especially with a shortened season between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Shopping, wrapping, addressing, baking and all the other things that need to be squeezed into our already busy schedules can become stressful. But it is important to take a step back, take a deep breath and realize that this type of overwhelmed is rooted in something joyful. We buy the presents, send the cards, bake the cookies, etc. because it is part of a season of joy and festivities. But, there is another type of overwhelmed. Continue reading
Pedestrian Deaths on the Rise and New Technology Not Effective
Whether we walk to work or walk from our car into the grocery store, all of us are pedestrians at some point. And, pedestrian deaths are on the rise with last year reaching a 30-year high. More than 6,000 people are dying each year in pedestrian accidents and thousands more are seriously injured. Experts believe several factors are contributing to the increase in pedestrian deaths. And while new vehicle technology claims to help prevent pedestrian accidents, recent testing by AAA shows otherwise. Continue reading
Good News and Bad News for Tennessee Drivers
According to a recent study, Nashville has the unlucky distinction of having two of the most dangerous roads (out of a list of 30) in the country. Interstates 40 and 65 both made the list. For our readers in East Tennessee, don’t feel left out; Interstate 75 was also included in the list so Knoxville is home to two deadly roads too. These interstate exchanges are already dangerous but they almost certainly will become worse under new rules being proposed by the Trump administration. Continue reading
Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week
Did you know that for children ages 5 and older car accidents are the number one cause of death? Every single hour of every day, 150 kids will be treated in an emergency room for serious injury due to a car or truck accident. I am proud to report Tennessee became the first state in the nation to enact a child restraint law. Since 1979, Tennessee law has required that children be properly restrained in a car, truck or SUV. Because next week is Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week, we thought it would be a good time to review the requirements of Tennessee’s child restraint laws and give you some tips on how to keep your child passengers safe. Continue reading
Road Rage is on the Rise; Drive Like the Police Are Watching
Fatal car accidents caused by aggressive driving have risen over 500% in the last ten years. The worst of these road rage incidents make the news often accompanied by incredible videos of obnoxious drivers doing crazy things. Let’s analyze this road rage incident that turned physical and was caught on video and assess how both drivers could have handled the situation better. Continue reading