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Last week, my wife and daughter were driving home from school when they noticed a goat in the road.  Fearful the goat was going to get run over or cause an accident on the narrow little road, my wife decided to try and find its owner.  Two farms were nearby so my wife pulled into first farm and went to the front door to alert the owner about the escaped goat. The homeowner advised my wife the goat in question belonged to the farm on the other side of the street.  The woman also reported she herself had put the goat up on several occasions.   Armed with this information, my wife drove to the farm across the street to alert them their goat was loose.

When my wife and daughter exited the car, the goat was still at the road.  They knocked on the door and waited a few moments but no one was home.  As they turned to walk back to the truck, they noticed the goat was approaching.  Before they could get back to their vehicle, the goat became aggressive, and this goat had horns.  Continue reading

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