Federal Government Shuts Down Bus Companies That Put Passenger Safety At Risk

The federal government has prohibited 52 bus companies found to be unsafe from continuing to do business.

Operation Quickstrike, launched by the  Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, a part of the United States Department of Transportation, targeted bus companies in 22 states that were found to have engaged in unsafe practices.  Some 250 bus companies with past safety issues were targeted in the investigation.

The investigation yielded the following results:

  • 214 top-to-bottom compliance investigations were completed;
  • 20 motorcoach companies were immediately shut down for violations and posing an imminent hazard to the public; 
  • 32 companies were issued "Unsatisfactory" safety ratings and shut down after failing to remedy critical and acute violations; 
  • 28 companies took corrective action to fix the safety violations investigators uncovered to avoid being shut down; and
  • 340 vehicles, of the more than 1,300 vehicles that were inspected during the investigations, were put out-of-service for safety and maintenance violations.

Click on the link to see the list of bus companies shutdown by Operation Quickstrike.  The list includes one Tennessee company, G.W.C. Enterprises, Inc.   GWC is based in Memphis and had six buses.

The agency has a website that will help consumers make informed decisions about whether to use the services of a particular bus company.  The service, called "Look Before You Book," gives helpful information in eight different languages.

Click on the link for more information about Tennessee bus accidents and bus safety.


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