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Our 9 year-old daughter loves telling jokes and pulling little pranks. When she finds one that really hits the mark, she will tell it over and over and each time she will giggle and say: “It never gets old”.  Something else that never gets old is receiving a compliment or an award. And we are pleased to announce that for the 25th year in a row, John Day has been selected by his attorney peers for inclusion in the 23rd Edition of The Best Lawyers in America. And, for the 10th year in a row, John was honored in five separate categories: Continue reading

John at Dawn

In 2015, there were 136 reportable boating incidents, 77 injuries and 13 fatalities. Falling overboard was the leading cause of fatalities with 3 deaths attributed to it. The most common cause of injury accidents was operator inattention. The most dangerous lake for injury accidents last year was Center Hill Lake.

In the personal watercraft (PWC) or jet ski category, Ft. Loudon lake was the most dangerous. There were 9 injury accidents and 3 fatal accidents. The primary causes of jet ski accidents were excessive speed and off throttle loss of steering. (For inexperienced jet ski drivers, off throttle loss of steering is a real problem because the natural inclination if you get into trouble is to let off the gas. But on a jet ski, a driver cannot steer at all without being under throttle.)

So if you are set to spend the day on the river or lake, here are some tips on how to stay safe this summer: Continue reading


The good news: the economy continues to improve and gas remains cheap. The bad news: this could mean more traffic deaths especially during the 100 Deadliest Days.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, last year traffic fatalities rose 7.7% to 35,200 — the highest since 2008. Many experts attribute the increase in accidents and fatalities to an improved economy combined with low gas prices as these lead to more drivers out on the road for reasons other than the daily commute. And with more drivers on the roads for weekend plans, vacations and the like, there is simply an increased likelihood for accidents.   Continue reading

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Drum roll, please.  The winner is John Day. Recently, the Nashville Business Journal awarded John the 2016 Best of the Bar Award in the category of Litigation and Dispute.  The Nashville Business Journal took nominations from the public and then voting ensued. Of course, John is proud of this award and the other awards and recognition he has received over the years.  But perhaps one of the best things about receiving certain awards is it can help injury victims decide which attorney to hire for their accident case as awards generally help folks have some confidence in the skills of the person they are hiring.  And while awards are one factor you should consider when hiring a lawyer, here are some other things you should consider before hiring an attorney for your accident case: Continue reading

teen driver

The 100 days after Memorial Day are generally regarded as the most dangerous for teenage drivers. It makes sense, right? Kids are not in school so they are running the roads – headed to the mall, the pool, a friend’s house, etc.   Did you know that teenagers are four times as likely to be in a crash than an adult? Six teenagers (ages 16-19) will die everyday in car accidents and nearly a quarter million teenagers will need emergency medical treatment because of car accidents. These statistics are terrifying but here are 10 things you can do to help keep your teenage driver safe: Continue reading

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Memorial Day is a day to remember and be grateful for those brave men and women who have died while serving our country in the military. It is also the unofficial start of summer. Beach trips, parades, lake outings, pool parties and barbecues are on a lot of folks’ agenda.   Here are ten safety tips to help keep your weekend fun and injury-free:  Continue reading

mean dog
This is National Dog Bite Prevention Week, so it is a great time to give you some advice on how not to be a dog bite statistic and how to avoid being sued if you, like us, are a dog owner.

First, let’s look at the numbers of this very real and common problem. About 4.5 million people are bitten or attacked by a dog each year in the United States. While some of the bites are not terribly serious, almost 900,000 of those dog bites will require medical attention. Each year, roughly 27,000 victims will require reconstructive surgery – not just stitches. And, while more rare, dog attacks can be deadly. The average dog bite claim costs $37,214.

So, let’s start with a few tips for how to avoid being the victim of a dog bite.

pedestrian light

According to the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security statistics, there were 1,579 pedestrian accidents last year. But, there were actually many more because the State’s statistics do not include pedestrian accidents that occurred on private property, which means parking lots (where lots of pedestrian accidents occur because of the unavoidable interaction between cars and pedestrians). For the first quarter of this year, there have already been 378 pedestrian accidents, so we thought we would share some tips to help avoid being a pedestrian accident statistic: Continue reading

The summer driving season is just around the corner. Time for vacations, trips to summer camp and the like.  Gas prices are expected to remain low.  In fact, the federal government is expecting gas to be at its lowest since the summer of 2004.  So, the roadways will likely be busy and, unfortunately, dangerous.  Here are a few tips for making sure you and your family stay safe including one you might not know.

  1. The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security offers licensed Tennessee drivers the ability to add emergency contacts to their driver’s license online. So, if you are involved in an accident, emergency workers can quickly contact your spouse, parents, legal representative, etc. If you are unconscious, this could save valuable time in a medical emergency as your contact could provide medical history, information on any medications you are taking, etc.   In addition, not only will your loved ones be alerted to the emergency quicker but they can begin helping quicker. For instance, maybe at the time of the accident you were on your way to pick up your daughter from school, if your spouse is quickly alerted to the accident, he could get someone to your daughter promptly. The process is simple. Just go to   The 7th star on the page is a link for Manage Emergency Contacts. Click it, fill out the requested information and hit submit. Now, your emergency contacts are linked to your driver’s license number.
  2. Register your vehicle and your tires with the manufacturer so that you are kept updated on any recalls. Last year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration oversaw a record number of recalls. If your vehicle and tires are not registered, the manufacturer cannot notify you directly. Vehicles and tires are only recalled if there is a safety defect or if they fail to comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. So, recalls are serious business.   At, you can search to see if there are any recalls affecting your vehicle, tires, child safety seats, etc. You can also sign up for safety alerts.

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Almost any coach will tell you that fundamentals win games. While lawsuits are definitely not a game, they are about winning. So just as a good baseball coach will instruct you to field a grounder with your glove on the ground and your bare hand above the glove, we want to tell you four fundamentals you can do to help win your lawsuit. Continue reading

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