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Distracted driving is taking lives on our highways, and this study takes a look at what is taking the attenion of drivers away from the road.

According to police report data analyzed by Erie Insurance, a automobility liability insurer, of the more than 65,000 people killed in car crashes over the past two years, one in 10 were in crashes where at least one of the drivers was distracted. the data comes from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)  maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Rank Distraction Type Percentage of
Distracted Drivers
1 Generally distracted or “lost in thought” (daydreaming) 62%
2 Cell phone use (talking, listening, dialing, texting) 12%
3 Outside person, object or event, such as rubbernecking 7%
4 Other occupants (talking with or looking at other people in car) 5%
5 Using or reaching for device brought into vehicle, such as navigational device, headphones 2%
6 Eating or drinking 2%
7 Adjusting audio or climate controls 2%
8 Using other device/controls integral to vehicle, such as adjusting rear view mirrors, seats, or using OEM navigation system 1%
9 Moving object in vehicle, such as pet or insect 1%
10 Smoking related (includes smoking, lighting up, putting ashes in ashtray) 1%


The numbers are probably conservative (that is, under-reported) because many people are reluctant to admit that they were distracted immediately before the crash.

The study did not look at the number of injuried caused by distracted driving, but instead looked only at deaths.


From time to time we are asked to represent people who are injured in a car accident but were driving illegally at the time of the wreck, that is, they did not have a valid license to operate a car or truck on Tennessee roads.  These people are obviously concerned that their failure to have a driver’s license will affect their ability to recover damages for the personal injury car accident that was not their fault.

Tennessee law provides that the failure to have a driver’s license does not affect a person’s right to recover compensation in a car or truck accident that was not the driver’s fault.  I am not saying that you should drive without a valid license, or if you have a restricted license that you should drive outside the proper scope of the restrictions.  It is important to follow the law.  My only point is that if you make a mistake and drive without a valid license or outside the scope of a restricted license and end up in an car or truck accident that is not your fault current law says that your mistake cannot be used against you.

Despite this law, I can envision several circumstances in which the failure to have a valid license at the time of the wreck might become relevant in a car, so I encourage you to tell your lawyer the truth about the status of your license during your initial meeting with the lawyer.

We are investigating a claim where a man had heart issues that resulted in severe heart damage and resultant disability.  As part of that investigation is was learned that a prescription antibiotic drug that he had taken, azithromycin, is now  the subject of a federal Food and Drug Admininstration (FDA) alert that the drug can can cause abnormal changes in the electrical activity of the heart that may lead to a potentially fatal irregular heart rhythm.

Azithromycin, sold under the names Zithromax or Zmax, is one of the world’s best selling antibiotics.  It is used to treat a wide variety of infections.  This drug was prescribed more than 40 million times in 2011.

The FDA’s Data Summary provides information about a recent study of the drug and its impact on the cardiovascular system.

An increasing number of surgeries are conducted with the assistance of robots – and the medical malpractice claims arising from such surgeries is beginning to increase.

Doctors who perform robotic surgery sit and video-game style consoles and watch a high-definition monitor hooked to a 3-D camera that shows the work being done inside of the patient.  The arms of the robot are equipped with surgical tools, and the arms are manipulated by a combination of foot pedals and hand controls.    Watch this video to understand how the da Vinci Surgical System is supposed to work.

A question that has arisen is whether the doctors using these robots are properly trained.  To date, no fewer than 10 lawsuits have been filed arising injuries occurring during robotic surgery, and training is an issue raised in most lawsuits.

People who are involved in personal injury accidents often have financial issues.  Medical bills pile up.  Work is missed and wages lost.  There is even more than the usual uncertainty about the future, and thus people are reluctant to put any of their savings at risk.

So, one question that I hear almost every week as a Nashville injury attorney is "what happens if the case  is lost?"  Here is the best answer I can share.

First, our office usually works on a contingent fee in personal injury and wrongful death cases..  So, in the even we are unable to win your case you will no owe us any money whatsoever.  (Our fee agreement is in writing, and thus you will have a full understanding of the fee agreement with us and what obligations you have.)

As a Tennessee automobile accident attorney for over three decades, I have seen lots of incidents where cell phone use (either for calls or texting) causes car wrecks.  This study from the West Virginia School of Public Health puts numbers to our experience.

The study finds that in 2003, cell phone use by vehicle operators was estimated to cause more than 300,000 total injuries annually, 2,600 of which resulted in fatalities. The numbers increased 22 percent between 2005 and 2009. The authors of the study believe that the problem is expected to worsen in coming years, despite efforts to curtail distracted driving.

The bottom line is this:  don’t text and drive.  And, if you must use a cell phone while driving (and a teenager never should) make sure you use a hands-free option and then only when traffic conditions permit you to do so safely.

The Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts has released information about Tennessee personal injury and Tennessee wrongful death cases filed and tried in Dickson County, Tennessee for the year ended June 30, 2012.

Here is the data;


  • Total personal injury and wrongful death cases filed in court: – 52
  • Total personal injury and wrongful death cases resolved in court – 62
  • Total number of cases going to trial – 0
  • Total number of jury trials – 0
  • Total number of non-jury trials – 0
  • Total number of cases in which damages were awarded – 0 (NA%)
  • Total number of cases where damages awarded was between $1 and $99,999 – 0
  • Total number of cases where damages awarded was between $100,000 and $999,99 – 0
  • Total number of cases where damages awarded exceeded $1,000,000 – 0
  • Total damages awarded in all cases – $0
  • Average damages awarded – $0

There was not a single trial in a personal injury or wrongful death case in Dickson County, Tennessee in the year ended June 30, 2012.  Surprised?  You shouldn’t be.  Dozens of Tennessee counties had no personal injury or wrongful death trials during the same period, and others had one or two trials.  Even the second largest county, Davidson, had only 69 trials (47 of them jury trials) that year.  Shelby County had only 79 (47 of them jury trials).

The Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts has released information about Tennessee personal injury and Tennessee wrongful death cases filed in Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee for the year ended June 30, 2012.

Here is the data;

  • Total personal injury and wrongful death cases filed in court: – 1768
  • Total personal injury and wrongful death cases resolved in court – 1958
  • Total number of cases going to trial – 79
  • Total number of jury trials – 47
  • Total number of non-jury trials – 32
  • Total number of cases in which damages were awarded 50 
  • Total number of cases where damages awarded was between $1 and $99,999 – 35
  • Total number of cases where damages awarded was between $100,000 and $999,99 – 11
  • Total number of cases where damages awarded exceeded $1,000,000 – 4
  • Total damages awarded in all cases – $40,443,910
  • Average damages awarded – $808,878

These statistics show one of the great flaws of statistics.  The total damages awarded figure includes an award of $20,000,000 that was significantly remitted by the trial judge.  Thus, the average damages awarded" figure is skewed significantly.  Also note that the twenty-nine (29) cases in which the plaintiff received no damages is not included in the "average."

The Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts has released information about Tennessee personal injury and Tennessee wrongful death cases filed in Knoxville  and Knox County, Tennessee for the year ended June 30, 2012.

Here is the data;

  • Total personal injury and wrongful death cases filed in court: – 1044
  • Total personal injury and wrongful death cases resolved in court – 1042
  • Total number of cases going to trial – 45
  • Total number of jury trials – 28
  • Total number of non-jury trials – 17
  • Total number of cases in which damages were awarded 17 (38%)
  • Total number of cases where damages awarded was between $1 and $99,999 – 16
  • Total number of cases where damages awarded was between $100,000 and $999,99 – 0
  • Total number of cases where damages awarded exceeded $1,000,000 – 1
  • Total damages awarded in all cases – $1,530,315
  • Average damages awarded – $90,019

The average success rate for plaintiffs at trial in Tennessee was 38.49% for 2011-12. Thus, the win rate for plaintiffs in Knoville and Knox County was about the same as  the statewide-average.

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