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There was a relatively large number of jury trials in the Circuit Court for Davidson County (Nashville), Tennessee in March, 2012.  Here are the results

Automobile Cases

  • Plaintiff awarded $8248
  • Plaintiff found 50% at fault and case dismissed (2 cases)
  • Defense verdict.
  • Plaintiff awarded $5000

Health Care Liability Cases

Nashville and other parts of Tennessee has a large number of medical transport vehicles.  These vehicles are usually vans that transport people to doctor visits, medical tests or physical therapy.

The drivers of these vehicles must be very attuned to the special needs of their passengers.  For example, if the passenger is in  a wheel chair, the passenger must be secured in the chair and the chair in the van before the van is moved.  Failure to do so can result in the passenger being ejected from the chair in a sharp turn, sudden stop, or a collision with another vehicle.

Improper loading or unloading medical transport vehicles may also result in injuries.

We have recently updated the Law Offices of John Day, P.C. website to share more information about Tennessee dog bite law. Dog bite victims can learn both about the law of dog bites and about the types of claims that may be made to recover damages in dog bite cases.

Our website also explains the availability of insurance covering dog bite injuries,  educating both dog owners and the victims of dog attacks.

We offer free consultation to all those who have been injured by a dog attack.  Contact us at 866-812-8787 or fill out the contact form to the right – we will be honored to help you determine if you have a valid case.

The Tennessee General Assembly has passed a law mandating that all rental campers and motor homes include a functioning carbon monoxide detector.  The failure to do so gives rise to an action for damages, including the recovery of attorney’s fees.

The law was sponsored by Senator Tim Barnes of Clarksville, Tennessee.  Clarksville was the site of a horrific incident on September 18, 2011 where five people died of carbon monoxide poisoning.  The victims were attending a function held by Bikers Who Care and thus the new law is called the "The BWC 5 Act" in honor of those who died.  The recreational vehicles involved did not have functioning carbon monoxide detectors. 

Carbon monoxide is a deadly gas.  Because it is odorless, colorless, and tasteless, the gas is very difficult to detect.  It is a product of gasoline-powered tools, heaters, generators and cooking equipment.  Carbon monoxide detectors are used to identify and warn about the presence of this toxic gas.

The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. has recently updated its website to share information about claims arising from Tennessee motorcycle accidents.

Information is power, and our law firm has a long history of empowering consumers with knowledge of the legal system.  Indeed, in the early 1980s, John Day taught basis consumer law on a volunteer basis in two different Nashville high schools and other classes for adults.

If you or a family member was involved in a motorcycle wrec and are attempting to understand your rights, the following links will be very helpful to you:

 The Law Offices of John Day, P.C. has recently updated its website to share more information about Tennessee truck accidents with those injured as a result of truck driver or trucking company negligence.

The following links will guide you to information about trucking accidents and your legal rights.

It is essential to remember that a victim of a truck accident must act quickly to protect his or her legal rights.  Tennessee law proviides that cases arisisng out of truck wrecks must be filed within one year of the date of the incident, but more prompt action is required because important evidence is often lost in the days following the accident.  

Those who rape, murder, beat up, or steal from others are not only committing crimes – they also can be sued for monetary damages for the harm they cause.  As Tennessee personal injury lawyers who represent crime victims, one frequent question is the availability of resources of the criminal to compensate crime victims

Of course, sometimes it makes no sense to file a lawsuit against the criminal because he or she does not have any money and will be spending time in prison. However, there are some criminals have assets and those assets can be used to compensate the crime victims.  

It is important to know that a criminal who is ordered to pay damages to his or her victim cannot escape that responsibility by filing bankruptcy. Many types of debts of a person filing bankruptcy are wiped out in the bankruptcy process, but debts arising from intentional conduct are not. 

Assault, rape, sexual abuse, theft, and murder are not just crimes. They also give rise to a right for the victim to seek damages for the harm caused.

Our firm has represent victims for each of these crimes and brought lawsuits against those who committed the crimes or those who negligently allowed the crimes to occur.

We have successfully sued a motel who did not have proper security on site, resulting in the rape of a guest. We have successfully represented several women who were raped in their apartments – their landlords did not have proper security. We have sued a day care center for allowing a sexual deviant to work with children, resulting in sexual abuse to our young client. We have sued several churches for allowing those with a history of sex crimes to be in the present of children – children who were later sexually abused. We have represented two young girls who were sexually victimized by an adult neighbor, and the family of a murder victim.

The good news is that the overall crime rate in Tennessee has decreased. The bad news is that the report reveals that a total of 26,340 people were arrested for DUI in 2011, an increase from the 24,154 arrests made in 2010.

Here is some more data about those arrested from driving under the influence in Tennessee in 2011:

  • 19,845 of those arrested were male and 6495 were female
  • 22, 415 of arrestees were White and 3201 were African American
  • the age group with the most arrests was age 25-34 (both males and females)

Driving under the influence takes the lives of hundreds of people every year and injures many more. If you choose to drink alcoholic beverages, be sure to limit your alcohol consumption to an amount that will not impact your ability to drive safely.

 Davol, Inc. produced the Kugel mesh patch to be used to repair abdominal hernias.  The patch, consisting of two layers of synthetic mesh surrounded by a flexible plastic “memory-recoil ring," is implanted at the site of a hernia. The ring then springs into place, allowing the hernia to heal and regrow around the flattened patch.

Unfortunately, there was a problem with the rings, and the product became the subject of recalls by the FDA in 2005, 2006, and 2007.  

Now, there is a problem with the mesh component of the product eroding into the organs of the patients and causing additional physical problems.  

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